Happy 24th birthday to you Mark! Dinner was great...it's been a long time since I last had a dinner with so many friends. I used to have a few cliques of friends and weekends were usually packed with dinners. Until I last got attached...
...things with friends started to fall apart 'cos everyone told me to give up on you...I thought I shouldn't 'cos I thought they couldn't feel you the way I feel you. I was wrong...'cos I was part of the picture. How could I see the picture clearer than they do? You kept telling me how much you gave up for me but I've never said anything like that to you...'cos I told you before love is not quantifiable. It's great to see that now both of us have moved on...I'm starting to appreciate the outcome.
The walk was fantastic...but it wasn't quite complete 'cos I didn't hold your hand. I like the way you looked at me. I like the way you pecked my lips with you in my arms. I like the way we had that crazy shower. Lying in front an ocean so vast, it's not quite imaginable that I could find someone like you...but I did! I wouldn't say I love you 'cos I don't think I know you enough to justify that statement unless it's a lie. Given the chance, I know I would...someday. Trust me...
Trust...is something love cannot do without! Look at us? Trust given and misplaced. Not once. Not twice...thrice! And you told me to give it back to you unconditionally? Am I insane? Unfortunately not!
My heart was broken. Maybe a few times. So there's no way I could give you an unbroken heart. But it's all taped up...with my bloody hands. Nicely wrapped and presented to you...it's not easy to take it out once more and I hope you'd not break it like they did!
Let's stop this emo thing before it gets all out of hand again! Dinner was great at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant at Indoor Stadium...but aside from Mark, David and Derrick, Mark's remaining 9 guests were late. Atrociously late...Alvin, Liangyuan, Raphael and Jinwei got lost on their way from Kallang MRT and I had to rush to their rescue! So, the supposedly 15 minute walk ended up becoming a 45 minute one! Mark's schoolmates, Doranne and Fiona, appeared shortly after. Well, Alexis, being her usual self, came after dinner...2 and a half hours late! Lalalala...okay, let's not be so harsh on her 'cos Jareth overslept as well and reached around 10! Well, I didn't stay after dinner to listen to Alvin's story about his (hookup) trip to Vietnam! Aww...how sad I missed out on all the juicy gossips...

This looks like emm...delicious...but I don't know what it is!

...ah I know this...fried fritters stuffed with fish cake!

Crabby crabs...in chili and in black pepper!

Frantic entrance...2 hours late!

Aww...totally chocolicious!

Guess who? Doranne and Fiona...I don't know who's who though.

Jinwei, me and specky...

...Mark, Derrick and Alexis...

...rofle, Alvin (and Alvina) and dadah...the birthday boy - Mark!

Mark and his present...wah! A Gucci wallet!

Alexis, looks like we have a sleepy Jareth!
Afraid to fall in love...no more! Transiting into a new phase of life...