One last week before this job ends. I really couldn't imagine I could make it to the end of this three month term. Still remember the first day of work at NCC Century Square. job machiam like kenna punished standing 'cos I had to stand beside the 'There's a newer version of your phone on cyberspace.' sign the whole day and that day, my buddy and I only got our first customer at 6 pm, which was 7 hours after the opening time of the center. Today was my last day stationed there at Century Square; Friday would be my last day at Suntec City NCC; and Tuesday would be my very last day with Nokia at Parkway Parade NCC. And if you happen to pass by any of these centers, let me know and maybe we could go for lunch...
My friend's Nokia phone went gigi and so I told him to come down to let us see. I didn't think it would take long to get it fixed but the prob of his phone seems to be a rather big one and his phone has to be retained for a week. He flies a lot and he doesn't have a spare phone so I thought it'd be nice if I loan him my phone 'cos I still have a Sony T610 with me. But freak, after he flew off, I realized the T610 I have has some prob: there's some problem with the charging mechanism and now, it's lying dead on my desk! have to fall back on my very very old Nokia 3330! Freaky hard to use with those few buttons...hope I could get back his N95 soon so I could get back my sweet 'lil N73 soon!
We normally don't cherish what we have until we lose them...